Join Cathy and Wayne as they chat about the pro's (and the con's) of technical outdoor clothing and equipment. Outdoor Gear Chat takes a lighthearted peek inside the wonderful world of fabrics, garments, footwear and equipment helping you to understand some of the science behind how to stay dry, how to stay comfortable and how to choose the best outdoor kit for you.


A light hearted look at the science of waterproofs: the history, just how wet you can get and why you need to wash (and tumble dry) them much more frequently than you used to.

Take a light hearted look at the science of layering: why we sweat, why "wicking" is important, how layers keep us cool AND warm.

A light hearted look at the science of gloves: why a tight glove isn't a good thing and why a large glove isn't necessarily a good thing either (!), plus more!

Learn the difference between feather and down, why "fill power" is a good thing to know and understand why most insulated jackets aren't waterproof.

We are back to talk about the humble hat & the many headwear items designed to protect your head from the cold, the heat, the sun & vicious biting mcbeasties.

Ever wondered how to zip up a jacket when you only have the use of one hand? Or how to get in and out of a tent when half your body is paralysed?

Cathy & Wayne are joined by Author, Walking Leader and Outdoor Swimming Instructor Suzanna Cruikshank to talk about women's technical clothing for sizes beyond the norm.

Hear about why a baselayer should be close fitting to work effectively in our climate, how they work, the difference between natural and man made fibres and what is good merino vs bad merino.

Matt has a PhD in Feather and Down Structure and is Product Engineer at Mountain Equipment. Take a real journey in explaining how ethically sourced down ends up in your gear.

Cathy and Wayne are joined by Artilect Co-Founder Trent Bush to chat about the incredible amount of passion, science, skill and global logistics involved in getting a product from concept to shelf.

Part 2 - There are big changes happening in the world of waterproofs . They're a long time coming and are great news for the environment BUT we will all need to learn how to use and maintain the new technologies. 

Recorded live out and about at Kendal Mountain Festival, Cathy and Wayne are joined by Malcolm Rudge, Product Design Manager at Mountain Equipment.

Recorded live at Kendal Mountain Festival, Cathy and Wayne are joined by Lucy Speakman, Director of Addidas, Terrex and 5:10 and Andrea Paulson, Senior Vice President of Innovation and Technology at Primaloft.

Part 3 - There are big changes happening in the world of waterproofs . They're a long time coming and are great news for the environment BUT we will all need to learn how to use and maintain the new technologies. 

Recorded live out and about at Kendal Mountain Festival, Cathy and Wayne are joined by Catriona Shearer, UK Account Marketing Manager and PR Specialist for W.L.Gore Ltd. We chat about fabrics, testing and how Gore-Tex is changing to reduce it's impact on the environment.

Part 1 - There are big changes happening in the world of waterproofs . They're a long time coming and are great news for the environment BUT we will all need to learn how to use and maintain the new technologies. 

Recorded live at Kendal Mountain Festival 2024, Cathy talks with Jon Frederick, Group Marketing Director for Equip (Global) about the passion in product design and delivery throughout their company and their key brand: Rab.

Recorded live at Kendal Mountain Festival, Cathy and Wayne are joined by Alice Sainsbury, Product Designer for Berghaus Adapts. This is a fascinating insight into Berghaus' drive to create adaptive outdoor clothing for adventurers with additional needs.


Cathy & Wayne are joined by Montane Sponsored Athlete Debbie Martin-Consani, first woman to cross the finish line of The Spine Race 2022.

Cathy & Wayne are joined by Scott Umpleby from The Brathay Trust, event organisers of the fantastic Ambleside Trail 25 & 50k races.

"Lakeland Legends" Cathy & Wayne are veterans of a number of Lakeland 50's but why has neither of them stepped up to the Lakeland 100 start line?

Cathy and Wayne are joined by Everest Basecamp Trek Leader Paul Poole to chat about what conditions to expect & what kit to pack to enjoy this iconic trek.

Cathy and Wayne are joined by British Antarctic Field Operative Catrin Thomas who gives a fascinating insight into managing clothing systems in the harsh polar environment.

This Outdoor Gear Chat outlines all of those little kit decisions that can make all the difference to having a GREAT day on the hill.

Climber, Alpinist, Himalayan Mountaineer, International Mountain Guide, & Award Winning Author Andy Cave joins us to chat about everything from life before Gore-Tex, to harness culture.

Cathy & Wayne are joined by Rab athlete Jon Gupta who has a wealth of experience climbing and guiding the worlds highest peaks - so many, in fact, just listening to the intro is exhausting!

If trekking in Nepal is on your bucket list then join Cathy and Wayne as they chat with Denise Prior at Community Action Treks.

Cathy and Wayne are joined live from Colombia by Ben Davies & Felix Sullivan from the El Rio Hostel in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Mountains.

We talk about the NEW Mountain Goat Circuit/ Cylchdaith Yr Afr Fynydd, a spectacular 50km loop in Snowdonia along the skyline from the Joe Brown's Capel Curig shop to Llanberis and back.

We are joined by Olly Sanders to chat about how to prepare, what kit to pack, why climbing style may be dictated by your kayak, the effect of comms & tech on expeditions and why wellies are always on his kit list.

Recorded live out and about at Kendal Mountain Festival, Cathy chats with Shane Ohly, the man leading the team behind the legendary KMF Terrex 10k and the new KMF The North Face 50k Ultra.

Recorded live out and about at Kendal Mountain Festival, Cathy and Wayne are joined by Isla McCay, from Glenmore Lodge, the National Outdoor Training Centre delivering world class training in a wealth of outdoor activities for 70 years.


Cathy and Wayne take a light hearted look at the science of sleeping bags.

Learn the difference between integral canister systems, multi-fuel stoves, and why all gas is not equal.

Learn what THE most important piece of first aid equipment is, why you should never take Ibroprufen during an endurance event, what applications of a tampon to avoid & why a tick remover is now an essential piece of kit.

Learn the importance of your squishy bits when it comes to measuring back size, why most rucksacks aren't waterproof & why you might want to consider a "rucksack filing system".

We take a light hearted look at the science of headtorches: learning about lumens, marveling at "intelligent" lighting & discovering what exactly an IP rating.

Listen in for tips on getting it up in bad weather, what constitutes as fondling with your erection and of course - bell ends.

Be prepared for a world of eye protection knowledge as Cathy and Wayne are joined by Barnabé Grison, International Area Manager for French outdoor eyewear specialists Julbo.

Recorded live out and about at Kendal Mountain Festival, Cathy and Wayne are joined by Matt Haigh, Key Account Manager for Osprey celebrating their 50th Anniversary this year.

Recorded live out and about at Kendal Mountain Festival, Cathy and Wayne are joined by Kerry Page from Community Action Nepal. Founded by Doug Scott, CAN works to build, maintain and run health posts, porter shelters and schools in remote regions of Nepal.

Cathy and Wayne are joined once again by World Extreme Medicine Joint Medical Director Dr Will Duffin as they tackle the murky world of water purification and how to keep healthy in the wilderness.

Recorded live out and about at Kendal Mountain Festival, Cathy and Wayne are joined by Tim Francis to chat about the new changes in waterproof fabrics, why and how we need to look after them differently - including why you may wish to tumble dry or even iron your waterproof garments!

We are joined by engineer, sewer & outdoor equipment & clothing repair specialist; Rosanna Watson from Snowdonia Gear Repairs to delve into how to make your gear last longer.

Recorded live out and about at Kendal Mountain Festival Adventure Athlete and Montane Ambassador Jenny Tough describes how she took her Montane Trailblazer pack and ran mountain chains in 6 continents. Solo.


Wayne's getting into trad climbing so he and Cathy are joined by British Mountain Guide, Author and DMM Ambassador Libby Peter to discuss what gear he should select for his first rack and why.

Wayne and Cathy are joined by British Mountain Guide Adrian Nelhams who shares his gargantuan knowledge and experience of ice axes.

Cathy and Wayne are joined by the Czar of Carabiners: Chris Rowlands from DMM Climbing in Wales.

Recorded live out and about at Kendal Mountain Festival, Cathy and Wayne are joined by Billy Ridal. Listen in awe as he describes how he retired from indoor climbing to make a free ascent of The Nose on El Capitan, Yosemite.

Are you baffled by the number of different ropes available? Cathy and Wayne talk with Edelrid UK Representative Alex Smurthwaite and discover how not all ropes are equal...

Recorded live out and about at Kendal Mountain Festival, Deuter Athlete Tamara Lunger chats about her how her passion for mountaineering extends to her equipment - testing Deuter rucsacks in the worlds harshest environments.

This week Cathy and Wayne talk about head protection with Petzl sponsored athletes and climbing giants: Emma Powell and Neil Gresham.


Cathy and Wayne take a light hearted look at the science of socks and how looking after our feet is critical to enjoying our time outdoors.

This week's talk journeys through rubber, precision placements, flat toes, squished toes, slip lasts, leather & why tear inducingly tight climbing shoes might not always be a good thing.

This episode explains why there are so many boots to choose from, the differences between fabric and leather, how boots should fit, and much more!

Cathy and Wayne are joined by Scarpa UK Core Sales Director Glyn Padgett to discuss what sets mountain boots apart from regular walking boots.

In this episode Cathy and Wayne are joined by The Climbers Shop Manager and Spine Race veteran Chris Worton to talk about the wonderful world of trail shoes.

| Eating |

Cathy and Wayne are joined by outdoor cook and all round smashing bloke Harrison Ward to talk about getting out in the fells to cook.

Cathy and Wayne are joined by Voom Brand Manager and Team GB Triathalete Beau Smith to seriously geek out on nutrition for endurance sports.


Wayne quizzes Cathy on the amazing history surrounding the two shops and learns how they were interlinked from the very start - way before Cathy and her husband Paul became the owners of both.

Recorded in front of a live audience at Kendal Mountain Festival, Cathy chats with KMF CEO Jacqui Scott about their unique journeys into and through the Outdoor industry, how they have balanced motherhood through their careers and how they are helping those just starting out.

We are joined with new Lake District legend & part time Ambleside staff team member James Gibson as he talks about being the first person ever to complete a continuous round of 214 Wainwrights in the winter of 2021.

In September 2023 Outdoor Gear Chat Co-Host Wayne Singleton stepped into the water at Bowness-on-Solway on the North Cumbria coast to "celebrate" an upcoming birthday.